Have you heard about Earth Day? It's a global event which takes place every year on 22nd April. The purpose of it is to bring awareness to the issues affecting our planet and for people to become engaged in doing something about it.
Check out this website if you would like to learn more:
How can you incorporate Earth Day into your yoga? Maybe take your practise outside, feel the grass beneath your feet. Before you start your practise, close your eyes and listen to the world, what do you hear? Birdsong or traffic? Take some deep cleansing breaths to calm your nervous system, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Open your eyes and take a moment to see the natural world around you. Whether it's an ant scuttling along a wall or a bird of prey floating on the air above you, smile as you appreciate the natural world around you.
Here are some yoga poses which you could incorporate into your practise:
Mountain pose - lift your toes, try to place them back down individually. Really feel the ground underneath your feet as you engage your legs and core. Bring your hands to your heart centre and gently close your eyes. Breathe.
Tree pose - Whichever version you take with the raised leg (thigh/calf/ankle), ground down through the standing leg. Feel the gravity gently pulling the standing leg towards the ground as you lift up through the crown of the head, feeling a full extension of the body from the foot all the way up through the crown of the head.
Sun Salutation - Follow this short sequence to warm up your body. Do a few rounds to raise the heart rate and get your body moving. Maybe you could face the rising sun as you perform the sequence outside?
The smallest changes can make the biggest difference!